C’est la rentrée, la plage est loin…que faire pour ne pas perdre toute son énergie et ne pas déprimer à la fin des vacances ? On écoute du Perfume bien sûr ! Voici Glitter que j’écoute en boucle en ce moment pour me donner la pêche !
Si la chanson vous plaît, n’hésitez pas à acheter leur album JPN ! C’est mon album préféré du groupe ! Pour vous le procurer en téléchargement légal, cliquez sur l’image ci-dessous :
Oh, it is very dissapointment.
Do you like live performance? very high volume music in the theater than Pachinko shop.
And many many light using energy. I guess France do not play this kind performance
spend many energy.
Hello Zukka,
No I’m not fond at all of live performances or going to clubs for the reason you mentionned : the volume is very high most of the time. For pachinko shop, most of my friends who went to Japan where also surprised by the volume in shops or pachinko shops. A Japanese friend gave me the answer : she told me that in France we have a very restricted legislation on the volume in shops, in the streets, or even in concert, and that Japan doesn’t have such restrictions. She prefers going in concert in Paris, as the concert hall are smaller, and with a far lower volume.
In Japan, there are many speaker using when Earthquake or Tsunami occuers. those speaker do not restrict of voice volume.
Yes , France do not have earthquake and tsunami. you are happy to able to abuse Pachinko. Yes, Pachinko shop is noisy &smoky. and that is ganble.
and I have see the photo of night lighting Effel tower and museum.
why do you do such useless thing. 80%-90% light go to space.
Yesterday I went to Macdonalds. I get barger with plastic bag.
you may angry with this . this plastic made by plants.